Over my time in the industry (started my apprenticeship back in 1984) the changes to the printing trade has been phenomenal.
What with the introduction of computer technology and the internet to name just a couple, it has been a very exciting journey, and because of this Vanessa and I decided to branch out a little and explore other avenues of print. March of 2012 we installed our first (of two) T-shirt printing press.
In 2014 we decided on a name change for the two stores to operate under. So Ezyprint was born!
We can now supply our customers with our usual high quality print production we supply on our commercial presses without having to order large quantities, while keeping within a budget.
Vanessa and I hope you take the time to explore our website as I am sure there is something in here for everyone.
Whether it be a coffee mug for Mother’s Day or your own product guide for your business, I am sure we will be able to assist you in some way.
Finally, thank you to all of our existing customers who have supported our family run business over the years, your loyalty is most appreciated. To all new customers, we look forward to helping with your requirements and forming a partnership that we are sure will satisfy.
Lee Howard